The 1989 double issue of Jump (which celebrates Jump’s 21st anniversary, and contains the chapter with Goku and Vegeta’s beam struggle), the one that Daizenshuu 1 said had a thing called “Jump Heroes Retsuden” (retsuden meaning “biography”, or so I thought). As I mentioned in my timeline evaluation thread, I thought that this issue might contain the Weekly Jump interview with Goku that Daizenshuu 7’s timeline mentions. However, it seems that the “Jump Heroes Retsuden” is simply the cover of the issue (which says “The V Road of Glory! A Never-Ending Jump Heroes Retsuden!!”), which shows a parade of Jump heroes, with Goku and Gohan at the front. I guess the idea is that this line-up shows the all the different Jump heroes throughout history, and is thus a sort of biography of Jump hero-dom, or something, though I’m still trying to see if there’s some alternative definition of retsuden that would fit this cover better (the first kanji in it means line or row, and the second to transmit or go along, so I can see how that could be applied to this parade of characters). So the search to find out just what in the sam-hill that entry in the Daizenshuu 7 timeline means continues…
So anyway, to finally get to the main topic (or thereabouts), though that issue of Jump didn’t contain the Goku interview I was hoping it might, by pure chance it did contain the feature on battle powers that Wikipedia mentioned. It is in the form of a pull-out poster type thing. On the front side it has a short DB quiz (what’s the name of the fighting race that lives on Planet Vegeta: a) Seiya-jin b) Salad-jin c) Saiya-jin), and on the back side it has the battle power thing. There’s another foldout poster too, advertising the Jump Anime Carnival, which was where the Toriyama anime “Kosuke-sama” premiered. On one side it has a picture of Toriyama and the other manga artists who attended, all wearing American football uniforms and smiling like lunatics. Fun stuff.
The battle power thing is called “Final Warriors-Great Collection!! Cards”. The introduction is in the form of Bulma with her scouter, saying that each of the characters is given a number indicating their strength, and a symbol showing what martial arts school they’re from (there’s the Turtle school, Crane school, Demon school, God school, Kaio school, and Planet school, for Saiyans). It actually never refers to these numbers are sentou-ryoku/“battle powers”, but rather their daitai no sentou-nouryoku “approximate battle ability”. With the exception of Kame-sennin, all the numbers for characters featured in the Daizenshuu 7 battle power list match the numbers given there. This issue came out in July 1989, while Daizenshuu 7 didn’t come out until February 1996, so it seems that this was a source for the Daizenshuu 7 list, or they share the same source. The game DBZ: Kyoushuu Saiya-jin (1990) and DBZ: Super Saiya-jin Densetsu (1992) also use many of the same battle powers that were on this list and later in Daizenshuu 7.
Son Gohan: over 2,800
In Daizenshuu 7 his BP for the battle with the Saiyans is given as simply “2,800”, with no “over”.
Son Goku (15 years old): 180
The same as Daiz 7's entry for Goku during his fight with Tenshinhan.
Son Goku (18 years old): 910
This would be him at the 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai. It's way higher than the 416 that Raditz originally read him as, but lower than Goku's Kamehameha during the Raditz fight ("924 and rising") so maybe that's what they were basing it off of.
Son Goku (24 years old): over 8,000
In Daiz 7 the "over" part is missing.
Kami: 220
This one's unique to this chart. I'd thought Kami was supposed to be stronger than Daimao.
Piccolo Daimao: 260
Piccolo Daimao/Ma Junior: 3,500
Raditz: 1,500
Nappa: 4,000
All the same as Daiz 7.
Vegeta: Impossible to Measure
It notes that “his strength is unfathomable…!!”. This was all printed while the Vegeta fight was still going on.
Chi Chi: 130
The Japanese Wikipedia page for Chi Chi says that the V-Jump special has Chi Chi as 137, noting that she's on par with Kame-sennin.
Chaozu: 610
Tenshinhan: 1,830
Yajirobe: 970
Kuririn: 1,770
Yamcha: 1,480
Yajirobe's BP is the only one not in Daiz 7. These would all be from during the fight against Vegeta and Nappa.
Tao Pai Pai: 210
Cyborg Tao Pai Pai, to be exact. The Japanese Wikipedia page for Tao Pai Pai said until recently that the V-Jump special issue pegged regular Tao Pai Pai as 110, regular Cyborg Tao Pai Pai as 125, and the Super Dodon-pa as 210. Here it has 210 as Cyborg Tao Pai Pai's regular power.
Tsuru-sennin: 120
Same as Daiz 7.
Kame-sennin (Muten Roshi): 180
In Daiz 7 it's "139", taken from when Bulma scouts everyone's power after converting Raditz's scouter (keep in mind that 139 is supposed to be his BP at the 22nd TB; he powered up from training for the tournament, so he was weaker at the 21st TB). The text says that "he fires the original Kamehameha", so maybe this is supposed to be his Kamehameha's power?
Karin: 190
Mister Popo: 1,030
Kaio: 3,500
Kuririn: 75,000 in Namek-V-jump
Gohan: ?; the captain says that he's normally 200,000, but he can get far stronger
Vegeta: 250,000
All unique to this chart. This would put Kaio as being equal to Piccolo during the fight with Nappa. Popo's BP is...quite high.
Credit goes to Herms