There is some controversy about who is stronger Raditz or Saibaiman.
The answer is given by Akira Toriyama.
Let's see:
It was stated by Toriyama in the Shenlong Times that Raditz was slightly superior battle strength-wise to the Saibaimen that means th e power level given in the daizenshuu 1500 is correct.
Toriyama wrote about the Saibaimen being weaker than Raditz in one of his memos to the anime staff, which was printed in the first DBZ Anime Special book. We added a (somewhat poor) scan of this as a late addition to the manga page of Kanzentai’s BP guide. Toriyama’s words are: "But their battle power is considerably high, at a level slightly inferior to Raditz" (しかし戦闘力はかなり高くラディッツより少し劣る程度).
As has been said, Nappa doesn’t actually say that the Saibaimen are equal to Raditz, just that they are comparable in terms of power (hitteki, which can be translated as “equal”, but only in a general sense, not any strict mathematical sense). For comparison, Sharpner uses the same word when he says that Videl is almost as strong as Mister Satan (and here Viz translates it as “rivals”).
1,500 was first used as Raditz's BP in Weekly Jump in 1989, back when the battle with Vegeta was still going on, and was used in Daizenshuu 7 in 1996, Landmark in 2003, and the SEG: Story Volume this year. It's also been used in video games like Kyoushuu! Saiya-jin (1990), Super Saiya Densetsu (1992), and Saiya-jin Raishuu this year.
Nappa's statement in the manga says something like "rival" instead of "equaling" Radditz, so that would support the argument a hell of a lot. Battle Power chart lists Raditz as having a BP of 1,500. People say it has to be wrong because a weaker opponent killed him, but that's a moot argument since the whole series is about defeating stronger people, and plus a Saibaiman (1,200) took out Yamcha who had 1480
if we're talking simply about the series, then we have to face the fact that no actual rules for battle powers are ever established. Sure, a higher number means a stronger fighter (though even this isn't ever stated), but when it comes to anything behind that, like how much difference a particular gap between battle powers makes, then there's nothing at all. You can try to derive rules from what we see, but the series isn't consistent. Nail at 42,000 can't harm the 530,000 Freeza at all, but a seriously wounded Goku who's at most 8,000 can wound the eye of Oozaru Vegeta who's around 180,000 (and at least much higher than 40,000). Similarly, Kuririn's Saibaimen-destroying ki attack doesn't harm Vegeta at all, but Yajirobe has no trouble slicing Oozaru Vegeta's tail off. Vegeta at 24,000 can defeat Dodoria regular Zarbon effortlessly, but Kaio-ken x3 Goku can't defeat Vegeta that easily, even though he should be higher than 24,000 and Vegeta at that time is much weaker than Dodoria and regular Zarbon. Goku's Kamehameha inflicts no damage on old Daimao when Daimao is using only 50% of his power, which is impossible to fit into Kame-sennin being 139 and Raditz-era Piccolo being 408. There's just no real logic to this, which makes sense because the series itself makes clear that battle powers are a flawed system used by aliens too spiritually dense and obsessed with power to sense ki like a proper warrior can.
So the answer is that Raditz power level of 1500 and Daizenshuu 7 is correct about this.
However,there are always dumb biased fanboys who refuse to accept facts and try to make a case to prove that they know more about dragon ball than Akira Toriyama.
Let'see some retarded comments made by delusional fanboys.
Question:The original dialogue was that the Saibamen rivaled Raditz battle power, not just comparable to his battle power. The actual word rivaled was used, and by definition, even in the original dialogue, the Saibamen are identical in strength to Raditz, making his battle power 1,200.
Answer:It was stated by Toriyama in the Shenlong Times that Raditz was slightly superior battle strength-wise to the Saibaimen.
Dumb statement:Then his own statement in the Shenlong Times is inaccurate, given that the dialogue he gave Nappa describing Raditz strength in comparison to the Saibamen clearly indicates equality, not around the same strength. Nappa clearly says that each Saibamen rivals Radittsu, and as I showed in the above post, rivals in that context means equal to.
Answer:OMFG fucking dumbass are you fucking retarded?Do you enjoy being made to look stupid???
You are saying that you know more about dragon ball than Akira Toriyama????????
Again the Mr.Dumb biased fuck tried to twist facts,however,
here are some more definitions of "rival" .
ri·val (rvl)n. 1. One who attempts to equal or surpass another, or who pursues the same object as another; a competitor.
2. One that equals or almost equals another in a particular respect.
"Rival" doesn't necessarily have to mean exactly equal. You don't need to be equal to someone in some aspect to rival them, just to be comparable. Vegeta also "rivals" Goku in power, but their powers are obviously not the same. Raditz is superior to the Saibamen.
Do you like getting thoroughly humiliated with your brainless biased statements????
Mr biased dumbass:"The Saibamen are Radittsu's rivals in strength", for if he did, then the definition you used would work. But he basically said, "Each Saibamen rivals Radittsu in strength", which means that the noun form definition doesn't work, whereas the verb form definition does.
In any case, given that gaps of hundreds in the Saiya-jin Saga were still substantial differences in battle power, it'd be impossible for Radittsu to be 1,500 and still be equal or near equal to a being with a battle power of 1,200. Furthermore, as said, he himself established he stood no chance against a blast with a battle power of 1,330, not knowing the nature of the attack.
Answer:OMFG conveniently,you skipped he 2nd possible definition of rival.Are you a mentally challenged brain dead pigling?
It is amazing how biased you are about this you fucking dumbass.
What is more amazing is the fact that in your delusional mind you believe to know more about dragon ball than Akira Toriyama.
It was stated by Toriyama in the Shenlong Times that Raditz was slightly superior battle strength-wise to the Saibaimen.
That's really all that needs to be said. Toriyama stated himself that the saibamen are slightly inferior to raditz period.
After getting bludgeoned for the umpteenth time this is all you have????? You need sleep. Rest and recuperate, you've been taken apart....again. You should be used to it by now.
Mr.dumbass:Toriyama contradicted himself.
Answer:OMFG Are you fucking retarded?
He clarified himself.
Android #16 stated Piccolo rivaled both #17 & #18, and we know he wasn't fighting Cell at full-potential, since he was stronger by a good bit. He didn't equal #17 until he went to full-strength and fought him equally. So, we know rival doesn't automatically mean they have the same level of power, because if it does--it means Weighted Piccolo=#17=#18, and we know that's not accurate.
They both use the term rival. I just showed a canon instance where the guy rivaling the others was not at the same level. In fact, that definitely shows that rival doesn't mean equal. Same power range? Maybe. Exactly equal? No. We know that isn't how it is here. In terms of Battle Power, the Cultivars rival Raditz; in terms of Battle Power, Fused Piccolo rivals the Androids. That's a clear example of it not meaning equal.
If Raditz is around 1.500 and the Cultivars are 1.200 they rival him in power.
Again if we're talking simply about the series, then we have to face the fact that no actual rules for battle powers are ever established. Sure, a higher number means a stronger fighter (though even this isn't ever stated), but when it comes to anything behind that, like how much difference a particular gap between battle powers makes, then there's nothing at all. You can try to derive rules from what we see, but the series isn't consistent. Nail at 42,000 can't harm the 530,000 Freeza at all, but a seriously wounded Goku who's at most 8,000 can wound the eye of Oozaru Vegeta who's around 180,000 (and at least much higher than 40,000). Similarly, Kuririn's Saibaimen-destroying ki attack doesn't harm Vegeta at all, but Yajirobe has no trouble slicing Oozaru Vegeta's tail off. Vegeta at 24,000 can defeat Dodoria regular Zarbon effortlessly, but Kaio-ken x3 Goku can't defeat Vegeta that easily, even though he should be higher than 24,000 and Vegeta at that time is much weaker than Dodoria and regular Zarbon. Goku's Kamehameha inflicts no damage on old Daimao when Daimao is using only 50% of his power, which is impossible to fit into Kame-sennin being 139 and Raditz-era Piccolo being 408. There's just no real logic to this, which makes sense because the series itself makes clear that battle powers are a flawed system used by aliens too spiritually dense and obsessed with power to sense ki like a proper warrior can.
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
The Daizenshuu levels make as much sense as the manga ones. Then again, I'm speaking with a dumbass who thinks his own fan-made biased opinion is just as canon as the people who both made and own the fucking series. Ever heard of fanfiction? That's essentially what any statement that goes against their declarations and publications is.
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
obliterated!!!!!!! Smashed to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!
You just keep getting clapped down. Anything else you want me to destruct?
I guess not.
Owned !!!!!