Later I'll make a post listing all these birth years that I used to make this.
Piccolo Daimao’s Rampage; Age 461
Kame-sennin: 31
Tsuru-sennin: 31? (presumably about as old as Kame-sennin)
Tao Pai Pai: 2
Uranai Baba: Over 211 (began divining in Age 250)
Piccolo Daimao: 0
Kami-sama: A little over 200 (presumably not very old when the disaster on Namek occurred in 261)
Karin-sama: About 511
Dracula Man: 285
Mummy-kun: 511
Sea Turtle: 698
Destruction of Planet Vegeta; Age 737
Goku: 0
Vegeta: 5
Nappa: 25-34
Raditz: 10-20?
Grandpa Gohan: 79
Bulma, Yamcha, Tenshinhan: 4
Kuririn: 1
Yajirobe: 2
Main Series (DragonBall)
Search for the DragonBalls; Age 749
Goku: 12
Bulma: 16
Sea Turtle: 986 (according to anime)
Kame-sennin: 319
Oolong: 9
Yamcha: 16
Puar: 9
Chi Chi: 12
Toninjinka (Rabbit Gang boss): 51
Pilaf: 34
Shenlong: 279
Vegeta: 17
The 21st Tenkaichi Budoukai and the Red Ribbon Army; Age 750
Goku: 13
Kuririn: 14
Jacky Chun/Kame-sennin: 320
Giran: 33
Ran-Fan: 24
Namu: 29
Yamcha: 17
Bulma: 17
Oolong: 10
Puar: 10
Sno: 10
Murasaki: 35
Blue: 28
Arale Norimaki: 5 (posing as 18-year old)
Senbei Norimaki: 28
Midori Norimaki: 23
Turbo Norimaki: 1
Tsuru-rin Tsun: 20
Tsuku-tsun Tsun: 18
Tarou Soramame: 20
Pisuke Soramame: 18
Akane Kimidori: 18
Oboccha Man: 3 (posing as 18-year old)
Tao Pai Pai: 291
Karin-sama: About 800
Uranai Baba: Over 500
Dracula Man: 574
Mummy-kun: 800
Grandpa Gohan: 92 (but stopped aging when he died)
Pilaf: 35
Shenlong: 280
The 22nd Tenkaichi Budoukai and Piccolo Daimao; Age 753
Goku: 16
Kuririn: 17
Yamcha: 20
Jacky Chun/Kame-sennin: 323
Tenshinhan: 20
Chaozu: 15
Man-Wolf: 34
King Chapa: 43
Bulma: 20
Oolong: 13
Puar: 13
Tsuru-sennin: 323?
Pilaf: 38
Piccolo Daimao: 292
King: Over 40? (been reigning for 20 years, presumably not less than 20 when he took throne)
Yajirobe: 18
Karin-sama: Over 800
Mister Popo: Over 1000
Kami-sama: Around 492
Shenlong: 283
The 23rd Tenkaichi Budoukai; Age 756
Goku: 19
Kuririn: 20
Yamcha: 23
Tenshinhan: 23
Chi Chi: 19
Tao Pai Pai: 297
Shen/Kami-sama: 495
Ma Junior: 3
King Chapa: 46
Yajirobe: 21
Chaozu: 18
Bulma: 23
Oolong: 16
Puar: 16
Kame-sennin: 326
Tsuru-sennin: 326?
"Z" Era
Raditz Invades; Age 761
Goku: 24
Gohan: 4
Piccolo: 8
Kuririn: 25
Yamcha: 28
Tenshinhan: 28
Yajirobe: 26
Chaozu: 23
Bulma: 28
Chi Chi: 24
Oolong: 21
Puar: 21
Kame-sennin: 331
Kami-sama: 500
Raditz: 35-45?
Nappa: 49-58
Vegeta: 29
The Battles with Vegeta and Freeza; Age 762
Goku: 25 (physically still 24)
Gohan: 5
Piccolo: 9
Kuririn: 26
Yamcha: 29
Tenshinhan: 29
Yajirobe: 27
Chaozu: 24
Bulma: 29
Chi Chi: 25
Oolong: 22
Puar: 22
Kame-sennin: 332
Kami-sama: 501
Shenlong: 292
Nappa: 50-59
Vegeta: 30
Saichourou: Over 500
Garlick Jr Returns; Age 763
Gohan: 6
Sea Turtle: 1000
Trunks Appears; Age 764
Goku: 27 (physically 26)
Gohan: 7
Vegeta: 32
Piccolo: 11
Kuririn: 28
Yamcha: 31
Tenshinhan: 31
Yajirobe: 29
Chaozu: 26
Bulma: 31
Chi Chi: 27
Oolong: 24
Puar: 24
Kame-sennin: 334
Kami-sama: 503
Shenlong: 294
Trunks: 17
The Androids and Cell Games; Age 767
Goku: 30; physically 29 at first, but physically 30 after training in the Room of Spirit and Time
Gohan: 10; physically 11 at the Cell Games
Vegeta: 35; physically 36 when Cell reaches his perfect form, and 37 at the Cell Games
Trunks (future): 19; physically 20 when Cell reaches his perfect form, and 21 at the Cell Games
Piccolo: 14; physically 15 at the Cell Games
Kuririn: 31
Yamcha: 34
Tenshinhan: 34
Yajirobe: 32
Chaozu: 29
Bulma: 34
Chi Chi: 30
Trunks (present): 1
Oolong: 27
Puar: 27
Kame-sennin: 337
Kami-sama: 506
Shenlong: 297
Mister Satan: 31
Cell: 6 (30, counting years in development)
The 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai and Majin Buu; Age 774
Goku: 37 (physically 30)
Gohan: 17 (physically 18)
Vegeta: 42 (physically 44)
Trunks (present): 8
Goten: 7
Mister Satan: 38
Videl: 17 or 18
Erasa: 18
Sharpna: 18
Idasa: 15
Ikose: 14
Piccolo: 21 (physically 22)
Kuririn: 38
Yamcha: 41
Tenshinhan: 41
Yajirobe: 39
Chaozu: 36
Bulma: 41
Chi Chi: 37
Oolong: 34
Puar: 34
Marron: 3
Kame-sennin: 344
Shenlong: 304
Sno: 34
East Kaioshin: Over 5 million
Kibito: Over 5 million
Elder Kaioshin: Over 75 million
Babidi: Over 5 million
Dabra: Over 300 years (probably far older)
Majin Buu: 5 million
Tarble Comes to Earth; Age 776
Goku: 39 (physically 32)
Gohan: 19 (physically 20)
Vegeta: 44 (physically 46)
Trunks (present): 10
Goten: 9
Videl: 19 or 20
Mister Satan: 40
Mister Buu: 5 million
Piccolo: 23 (physically 24)
Kuririn: 40
Yamcha: 43
Tenshinhan: 43
Yajirobe: 41
Chaozu: 38
Bulma: 43
Chi Chi: 39
Oolong: 36
Puar: 36
Marron: 5
Kame-sennin: 346
East Kaioshin: Over 5 million
Elder Kaioshin: Over 75 million
Tarble: 39? (he can't be any younger than Goku...)
The 28th Tenkaichi Budoukai; Age 784
Goku: 47 (physically 40)
Gohan: 27 (physically 28)
Vegeta: 52 (physically 54)
Trunks (present): 18
Goten: 17
Videl: 27 or 28
Mister Satan: 48
Mister Buu: 5 million
Piccolo: 31 (physically 32)
Kuririn: 48
Yamcha: 51
Tenshinhan: 51
Yajirobe: 49
Chaozu: 46
Bulma: 51
Chi Chi: 47
Oolong: 44
Puar: 44
Marron: 13
Kame-sennin: 354
Pan: 5
Bra: 4 or 6
Uub: 10
Future Trunks’ Timeline
The Androids Kill Everyone; Age 767
Gohan: 10
Trunks: 1
Bulma: 34
Gohan Dies; Age 780
Gohan: 23
Trunks: 14
Bulma: 47
The Time Machine is Completed; Age 783
Trunks: 17
Bulma: 50
Trunks Defeats the Androids; Age 785
Trunks: 19 (physically 21)
Bulma: 52
Trunks defeats Cell; Age 788
Trunks: 22 (physically 24)
Bulma: 55
Cell: 2 (26 counting years in development)
The Search for the Ultimate DragonBalls and the Battle with Baby; Age 789
Goku: 52 (physically 45); reduced to physically 12 or so
Gohan: 32 (physically 33)
Vegeta: 57 (physically 59)
Trunks (present): 23
Goten: 22
Videl: 32 or 33
Mister Satan: 53
Mister Buu: 5 million
Piccolo: 36 (physically 37)
Kuririn: 53
Yamcha: 56
Tenshinhan: 56
Yajirobe: 54
Chaozu: 51
Bulma: 56
Chi Chi: 52
Oolong: 49
Puar: 49
Marron: 18
Kame-sennin: 359
Pan: 10
Bra: 9 or 11
Uub: 15
East Kaioshin: Over 5 million
Elder Kaioshin: Over 75 million
Pilaf: 74
Namu: 68
Doctor Mu: 49
Baby: 59-69
The Battle with Super No.17 and the Evil Dragons; Age 790
Goku: 53 (physically 13 or so)
Gohan: 33 (physically 34)
Vegeta: 58 (physically 60)
Trunks (present): 24
Goten: 23
Videl: 33 or 34
Mister Satan: 54
Mister Buu: 5 million
Piccolo: 37 (physically 38)
Kuririn: 54
Yamcha: 57
Tenshinhan: 57
Yajirobe: 55
Chaozu: 52
Bulma: 57
Chi Chi: 53
Oolong: 50
Puar: 50
Marron: 19
Kame-sennin: 360
Pan: 11
Bra: 10 or 12
Uub: 16
East Kaioshin: Over 5 million
Elder Kaioshin: Over 75 million
Yi Xing Long (1-Star Dragon): 28
Liang Xing Long (2-Star Dragon): 40
San Xing Long (3-Star Dragon): 16
Si Xing Long (4-Star Dragon): 37
Wu Xing Long (5-Star Dragon): 28
Liu Xing Long (6-Star Dragon): 41
Qi Xing Long (7-Star Dragon): 16
100 Years Later; Age 890
Pan: 111
Goku Jr: ?
Goku: 153; physically who knows?
Credit herms
Elder Kaioshin: Sealed away about 75 million ago according to Daizenshuu 7, so must be even older
Majin Buu, East Kaioshin, Kibito, Babidi: According to Daizenshuu 7, Buu was created about 5 million years ago, so that’s how old he is. East Kaioshin, Kibito, and Babidi were all around back then, so they’re even older.
Sea Turtle: According to the Garlic Jr. filler arc he’s a thousand years old in Age 763, so he’d be born in 237 Before Age.
Mummy-kun: 50 Before Age (Daiz 7)
Karin: He tells Goku that he’s about 800 when they first meet.
Dracula Man: Age 176 (Daiz 7)
Uranai Baba: Daiz 7’s timeline says she began divining in Age 250, so she must be older
Kami-sama: The disaster on Planet Namek that he escaped from is said to be 500 years ago in the series (Age 261 in the Daiz 7 timeline), so he must be older than that, but not that much older, since he was a child at the time.
Kame-sennin: Age 430 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Tsuru-sennin: I guess he’s as old Kame-sennin (they were both young when Daimao was sealed away), so around Age 430
Tao Pai Pai: Age 459 (Daiz 7)
Piccolo Daimao: Age 461 (Daiz 7). I guess mentally he’d be as old as Kami.
Shenlong: Created in Age 470 (Daiz 7)
Grandpa Gohan: Age 658 (Daiz 7)
Toninjinka: Age 698 (Daiz 7)
King Chapa: Age 710 (Daiz 7)
Nappa: Daizenshuu 7 says that he was in his fifties when he died (in Age 762), so that means he was born in Age 703-712
Pilaf: Age 715 (Daiz 7)
Murasaki: Age 715 (Daiz 7)
Giran: Age 717 (Daiz 7)
Man-Wolf: Age 719 (Daiz 7)
Baby: The GT Perfect Files say he was created between Age 720-730
Namu: Age 721 (Daiz 7)
Senbei: Age 722 (Daiz 7)
Blue: Age 722 (Daiz 7)
Ran-Fan: Age 726 (Daiz 7)
Midori: Age 727 (Daiz 7)
Tsuru-rin Tsun: Age 730 (Daiz 7)
Tarou Soramame: Age 730 (Daiz 7)
Vegeta: Age 732 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Tsuku-tsun Tsun: Age 732 (Daiz 7)
Pisuke Soramame: Age 732 (Daiz 7)
Akane Kimidori: Age 732 (Daiz 7)
Bulma: Age 733 (Daiz 7, SEG); flat-out said to be 16 at the start of the series.
Yamcha: Age 733 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Tenshinhan: Age 733 (Daiz 7, SEG)
King: Enthroned in 733 according to the anime and Daiz 7, so he must be much older.
Yajirobe: Age 735 (SEG)
Kuririn: Age 736 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Mister Satan: Age 736 (SEG)
Son Goku: Age 737 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Chi Chi: Age 737 (Daiz 7, SEG)
Chaozu: Age 738 (SEG)
Oolong: Age 740 (Daiz 7)
Puar: Age 740 (Daiz 7)
Sno: Age 740 (Daiz 7)
Doctor Mu: According to the GT Perfect Files he was created by Baby in Age 740
Arale: Created in Age 745 (Daiz 7). At the time, Senbei passed her off as a 13-year old.
Pigero: Said to be 15 when he meets Gohan in Age 761, so he’d be born in Age 746
Oboccha Mach: Created in Age 747 (Daiz 7). Poses as the same age as Arale, making him supposedly 15 at the time (neither of them look anywhere close to 15 of course).
Turbo Norimaki: Age 749 (Daiz 7)
Piccolo: Age 753 (series, Daiz 7, SEG). Probably mentally older.
Videl: Age 756 (Daiz 7), Age 757 (SEG)
Sharpa: Age 756 (Daiz 7)
Erasa: Age 756 (Daiz 7)
Gohan: Age 757 (series, Daiz 7, SEG)
Idasa: Age 759 (series, Daiz 7)
Ikose: Age 760 (series, Daiz 7)
Trunks: Age 766 (series, Daiz 7)
Goten: Age 767 (series, Daiz 7)
Cell: Daiz 7 says his development began in 762 and he was born in 786.
Marron: Age 771 (Daiz 7)
Uub: Age 774 (series, Daiz 7)
Pan: Age 779 (Daiz 7)
Bra: Age 778 (her Daiz 7 bio) or Age 780 (Daiz 7 timeline, GT Perfect Files)
Yi Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to revive those killed by Freeza and his men in Age 762 (GT Perfect Files)
Liang Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to revive Bora in Age 750 (series)
San Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to erase peoples’ memories of Majin Buu in Age 774 (GT Perfect Files)
Si Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to restore Piccolo Daimao’s youth in Age 753 (series)
Wu Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to restore Goku to life in Age 762 (series)
Liu Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to get a pair of panties in Age 749 (series)
Qi Xing Long: “Born” when the dragonballs were used to revive those Vegeta killed at the 25th Tenkaichi Budoukai in Age 774.
quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009
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