Guess what?
The fucking dumbass was destroyed!!!!!!!!
Enjoy this destruction!!!!!
Again, a crazy MFG member has been taken apart!!!!!lol
Does anyone know what part of the brain needs to be removed to think that Tenshinhan doesn't have a power level in the millions?lol
DBZ fan with a brain:
Seeing that Tien and the others showed up to fight beings that where so much powerful than freeza shows that they were in the millions specially, cos they felt Freeza’s suppressed level and afterwards Piccolo told them to not show up if they couldn’t become strong enough and that is the reason why tenshinhan left Chaozu behind.
Here you can see Piccolo's warning to Tenshinhan,Krillin and Yamcha:

Akira Toriyama uses his wisest member Piccolo to tell us that Tenshinhan,Yamcha and Krillin would get to the millions during those 3 years of training,ie,the ones who couldn't reach a battle power in the millions shouldn't show up.
They showed up to fight specially Tenshinhan.
Obviously, anyone out of the millions or bellow Freeza's supressed battle power who was at least above 3 millions would get in the way.
Its just for the series to retain any form of logicality, he needs to be in the low millions. An attack being x500 is farfetched, but no more than the SSJ2 multiplier on many lists. But an attack being x30,000... anyone who says Tien is in the low hundred thousands, clearly hasn't got their head around the utter stupidity of this multiplier. I mean my god, its higher than most Potara and SSJ3 put together, and in many cases x10 that.
Tenshinhan was ready to fight with Goku & Piccolo right in the city, and it would be absurd to even consider he's not flirting with at least a Battle Power over a million in a fight with guys stated to "make Freeza seem like a weakling", as Goku puts it.
Tenshinhan went from being outclassed by Old Daimao, to being equal to a weighted Goku after training under Kami/Popo for 3 yrs, who was quite a bit stronger than Young Daimao. Tien can increase a whole lot, easily. He's not restricted to anything.
Tenshinhan didn't go into the room of spirit and time, because he KNEW his power was useless compared to the others by that point. This didn't stop him from training and showing up for the Androids after feeling Freeza's supressed power level who was certainly above 3 millions.
Tenshinhan got harder training from Kaio, and was there for way longer than Goku. He also had others there with him. Tenshinhan got a way bigger increase than Goku from Kami's training with shorter time (3yrs for Goku and 6 months for Tenshinhan) during the training, so there's canon evidence of it being possible; the same can be applied here. He was easily above Ginyu by the time the Trunks saga arrives. Kaio's training is that good.
Tenshinhan always has shown that he could make leaps in power in a short amount of time. This point isn't any different--and actually makes sense considering he had 3 years to prepare.
Tenshinhan doesn't even needs sparring partners,cos he can split in 4 bodies getting stronger training on his own. However, regardless, he still trained and came to the decision that Chaozu "wouldn't be able to keep up" with the upcoming battle.
All of that shows that Tenshinhan was at a respectable enough level to think he can keep up. Clearly over 1 million!!!!!!!!!!! Or does he think he can keep up without even finishing the 100,000 range? lol
Plus,Gohan is put in the same category (None of you can beat the Android) as Tenshinhan by Piccolo. The only one worth mentioning is Super Saiyan Goku.
A power above 100% Freeza.
Tenshinhan can make up any special training routines that would make a significant difference supported by the fact that Tenshinhan
outrights states that he will adapt Kaio's training to go along with his own training making him incredibly strong in the several millions.
Once again, based on Tenshinhan's increases we see this:
Before: Tenshinhan was weaker than Old Daimao
After 3 years: Tenshinhan became equal to Weighted Goku and stronger than old Daimaoh
This is all after Tenshinhan trained under Karin for a bit and training with Chaozu. That's a huge increase.
Before: Raditz stronger than goku and Piccolo by a long shot
After: Tenshinhan stronger than Raditz by a long shot
Tenshinhan after training in much less time compared to Goku surpasses Raditz. Those are all examples of Tenshinhan exceeding normal training methods when he was at a disadvantage. It happened. With Kaio, he had longer and harder training than Goku, so Tenshin being in the millions it is a Fact.In dragonball, it was shown that he's equivalent to goku in power gains.
Tenshinhan always trains hard,and he still invents new things and find new methods to get stronger. He felt he was capable of getting far more stronger then goku did on king kai. It's obvious that Tenshin got at least a third of an increase as all the hardcore saiyans and nameks got.
He'd keep on breaking his human limits as he did as early as dragonball time. Mastering the shin kikoho brought his raw ki up in a rapid succession. There are a ton of reasons how or why he could get that strong.
Assuming he's less than 1 million because he's a human is retarded.
He isn't a regular human,Tenshin has alien ancestry and Krillin went from below 2,000 to around 75,000 in a single day,besides that concept of human is wrong,humans couldn't make ever what krillin did in the 21 World tournament let alone what happens after Raditz's arrival.
The mere fact that he can produce an attack over a hundred times his natural power already means we shouldn't bound him by normal human or even saiyan logic. He has shown to be as good as Goku in training conditions. He was shown to get over 7x stronger in one year of fierce training. If he really wanted, he could even use multi form and beat himself/make himself his own training partner and get incredible mind boggling increases off of that. The possibilities are limitless. And of course "Plot" shows Tenshin became that strong.
The fact that I've shown Tenshinhan canonically exceeds natural gains, even when at a disadvantage, shows he can make great gains regardless. And Piccolo actually was willing to have Tien come along with him with the idea of fighting Cell. Once again, assuming he's less than 1 million just because it doesn't comply with faulty calculations is retarded.
Question:Lets say Tien's 1,000,000. To get to 1,500,000, he'd have to increase his power by 500,000.
Answer:Are you fucking retarded????
By that point, that's not much of an increase at all. Going by points, Piccolo gained an unbelievable amount of them meaning that he went from 1 million to over or equal to 150 millions. He can be a namek, super namek, whatever--but increasing 150 millions is a ton. Tenshinhan can get a 10 fold increase and still be far behind all of them. Gohan was also pretty weak, so his throw down with Super Saiyan Goku & Piccolo wasn't nearly as effective as Piccolo's.
Tenshinhan being a human(he isn't) has no relevance to it, because he can get more out of a year than what Goku did in 8 full years of namek training system. He also had tougher training with Kaio for 266 days, so his training was totally different from Goku's and not comparable.
Kaio claimed training on his planet was the equivalent to thousands of years of training on earth. Tenshinhan trained on this awesome planet for 266 days(more than 6 months) after doing a lot more in 6 months on earth than goku in 8 years.
So just imagine what he did while receiving more intense training than the Saiyan and staying longer than goku in that planet.
Cell was not obviously caught off guard
Cell is talking to #18, then suddenly senses a massive power above him. It's Tien charging the N-Kikoho!!!
Despite having reflexes in the billionths of a second range, Cell is surprised so badly by Tien that he stands still as Tien cries out Shin Kikoho, and then is smashed into a hole by the attack!
After being smashed into the hole, Cell gets up and eyes his opponent with an evil look. Believing Tiens first strike to be his last, he utters the words "Damn You" before a second strike smashes him yet again!
By now, anyone with half a brain(let alone someone with the intelligence of Piccolo) would have realized this could continue for a while. As such, Cell realizes that Tien will continue to strike for multiple attacks. Whilst still flinching from the second strike, Cell is blasted again(or twice again)!
Cell sees the Androids escaping, " I better escape NOW!" he thinks...
MFG dumb old theory:
Cell was not hurt from Tiens Shin Kikoho's, he was just merely pushed back for a couple of minutes
DBZ fan with a brain:
OMFG are you fucking retarded???
He is covered with either scratches, burns, or dirt. He could easily be hurt from the attack, also note how there is smoke coming from his body.
SK It doesn't drain life force, that was a viz mistake. It’s just a very powerful attack, that like all ki attacks if it is used too much will be detrimental to your health.
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
obliterated!!!!!!! Smashed to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!
MFG dumb old theory:
the Kikoho is a unique technique that does so at such an alarming rate, it is dangerous to the users health.
DBZ fan:
Fucking dumbass, if Goku spammed 20 kamehameha's he would collapse also.
Keep throwing this nonsense at me, and I'll keep taking you outta the park like Pujols!!!!!!!!!!
MFG brainless dumb old theory:
Tien being 150,000 by the Buu Saga IS an increase that is worthy enough for a mere human who never received RoSat(room of spirit and time) training, or training over x10 Earths gravity.
DBZ fan with a brain:
That's why you get bitchslapped and taken apart on the regular dumbass!!!!
Tenshinhan made a special training to the androids saga and he used a special weighted outfit(it is in the manga)probably given by Kaio.
Ten is not a kid anymore he doesn't need a sensei to train anymore, that's why he created something big like shin kikoho.Every time the z-senshi trained for a battle all of them had a big increase in power,that is the standard.
Kame sennin and kami,both explained that training with a master under special conditions and then following with their own regiment to improve even more was the key and a standard repeated several times through Dragon ball and gravity training is not reliable for nothing.
Goku abandoned gravity training and vegeta trained in 150 after mastering 300.
Actually if Goku were able to train in 100xG (before namek), he would weight near 10 tons in the gravity chamber. And it seemed ridiculous that he was considering the 10 tons that the other Kaio suggested, to be impossible for him, and needed to turn SSJ... These 40-tons seems ridiculous for many reasons.
Plus, daizenshuu (and manga) suggests that Tenshinhan was in the millions if listen what he said when goku was fighting Freeza and add kaioken theory according to daizenshuu
Why do you bring the word logic,what happens happens, cause Akira wanted it to happen, there are many things including pl's without logic in dragon ball so what?
Piccolo's increased is not due to his fusion with Nail and training with Goku or else (if we take goku)he would be a match for sayans after those 7 years, considering his fusion with kami, plus goku ssj was a lot stronger than base piccolo,he just couldn't keep up with him so goku has nothing to do with piccolo's increase.
Base piccolo during namek battle=1 million and base goku= 3 millions.
Again Gohan trained with ssj goku too and he could not go to ssj level actually he is mentioned by Piccolo as being close to Tenshinhan and Krillin in power,but on the other hand Piccolo who also trained with ssj goku was comparable to a ssj.
You got smashed again!!!!!!
Raditz trained his whole life on gravity and still he was a weakling.
The true is that everyone increases faster on dbz regardless how they train.
You can't apply db increases to dbz, everything became different, everyone increases faster than ever, that's why
all the months.
I didn't see an exception for the humans z-senshi who improved 732% in a few months
I didn't see an exception for the humans there.
It is obvious that goku and piccolo are better,but piccolo
was a namek and gohan a sayajin in the sayan saga and they were close to the humans.
What some guys are saying is that piccolo
without nail couldn't reach the millions and that is retarded.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it DUMBASS!!!!
MFG dumb old theory:
What proof do you have that he did special training? There's nothing of the sort ever mentioned. Weighted clothing only works to an extent, hence Goku/Vegeta resorting to higher Gravity, and Ten most definitely reached that extent. His 3 years of training could not have been that incredibly productive to bring his powers from the thousands into the millions. That is, once again, just going by the logic established in the series and ignoring Toriyama 's typical haphazardness.
Are you fucking retarded???????lol
He did special training, because he prepared himself to fight
in a big battle against someone stronger than freeza.
And everytime z-senshi train to a big battle all of them got a big increase.
Besides he wanted to test his limits,plus how can you ignore his special outfit?
Read and understand and don't just fly off at the mouth with jibberish!
MFG dumb old theory:
Having an aid or master help you train has nothing to do with how old or mature the character is. Goku is twice the fighter Ten is and he still makes use of Kaio-sama to help him in his training. And I'm not saying Ten didn't get stronger; just that he didn't increase his power into the millions.
Listen you dumb stinking rat,do you enjoy being made to look stupid???
You miss the fucking point that none of them needs a master at that point.
Goku ignored gravity training during those years,so there is no reason why Ten could not do the same.
i don't know why do you think millions is such an amazing number to achieve in dbz universe for a z-senshi which is a fucking heroe without fusion or ...well again gravity is not the main thing.
MFG dumb old theory:
What they meant is that is grow as a fighter but for increasing their power, any aid is preferable to no aid. Goku wouldn't have gotten as powerful in the 7 years of peace if not for Kaio-sama's aid. Besides, you are missing the entire point. All the massive increases that put Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo into the millions were either incredible training conditions, or genetic gifts. Goku/Vegeta abused Zenkai's and gravity training and Piccolo took advantage of Nails fusion. Ten doesn't have either of these
What they meant is that a z-warrior, a martial artist like them doesn't need a master all the time to improve a lot.
They are grown men and they are smart enough to do it by themselves, that's why Ten said he couldn’t surpass Goku by doing the same training as him and that all he could do was quickly grasp just the point of his training and finally uniquely refine his techniques.
And during those 3 years the only guy using gravity is vegeta. Piccolo didn't have incredible training conditions and still he managed to improve so many millions.Plus, goku didn’t use kaio's aid or gravity to train in those 3 years like Tenshinhan and all of us know that goku did astonishing progresses.
Vegeta didn’t have anybody to help him and became extremely powerful,so your point fails hard.
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
MFG dumb old theory:
Goku didn't abandon Gravity training, he just never had the opportunity to take advantage of it again or had something better at his disposal. In the three years before the Cyborgs he was training Gohan. There was only one Gravity Chamber anyways and Vegeta was using it. After that, he used the Room of Spirit and Time which is far superior to the Gravity room anyways. Then, he died, and was training in the After-life and I'm pretty sure they lack Gravity Chambers there. The only time he could use it was during the 10 years after the defeat of Buu but we know so little about that period that it's pointless to speculate whether he did or didn't.
And the nominees for THE I GOT BITCH SLAPPED THE HARDEST FOR 2WAY THUGGING AWARD are...MFG crazy dumb member.
Goku abandoned Gravity training period, if gravity was the big thing he just could ask Bulma to make a new one for him
and he wasn't just training gohan, he trained himself to become stronger than ever like piccolo and as you can see
piccolo's increase proves that all of them got a big boost.
MFG dumb old theory:
The 40 ton thing when goku was training to the 25 World tournament is irrelevant to this conversation
Again trying to ignore the facts dumbass and twist the reality.
You fail again!!!!!!!Actually it is crucial and clearly proves that Toriyama wasn't thinking about gravity as the only way to improve
or else Toriyama wouldn't make a mistake like that.
Worse, vegeta was training in 150 after mastering 300 in those 7 years.
Meaning that when Goku trained at 10x earths gravity (and mastered it) on Kaio's planet, his base powerlevel went up to "over 8.000". Now when he travelled to namek he mastered training in 100xG. But after this training his power level was stated to be "About 85,000". So by training in 10x (100xG) the earlier gravity training, which was 10xG, his powerlevel went about 10 times up... So theoretically (with a linear relation) Goku in SSJ form, where his PL was about 150 million should be able to train in about 150.000xG! Toriyama didn't think about this after the Freeza saga, because Vegeta's training in 100xG ruins this theory.
Actually if Goku were able to train in 100xG (before namek), he would weight near 10 tons in the gravity chamber. And it is ridiculous that he was considering to lift the 10 tons that the other Kaio suggested when , to be impossible for him, and needed to turn SSJ... These 40-tons are ridiculous for obvious reasons.
In daizenshuu 7 Page 119
"Just, there cannot have a big difference between the base fighting potential and his original base (powerlevel)to use it , and if the fighter persists in carrying out a very powerful kaioken his body can explode under the effect of a powerful energy discharge.
For the one whose fighting potential reaches 8.000 the limits to use safely kaioken must be the double, that is to say 16.000.
For the one who has a potential of 3.000.000 kaioken can
increase his powerlevel ten more times "
The text about kaioken also states that kaioken uses life force
French daizenshuu also states that neo kikoho is a stronger version from kikoho.
But, above you could read that if you use an attack with life force and your power level is too low,your body will explode.
Regarding daizenshuu is clear to me that this text suggests that Tien had a power level in the millions.
It clearly states that your body can explode
if you use an attack who is a lot stronger than your base power level
ex:Goku to use safely his kaio ken x 10 had to reach 3 millions.
So shin kikoho is a lot more powerful than kaioh ken x 10 or 20 and if Ten's body didn't explode it is obvious that
he had a pl in the millions.
Dumb MFG old theory:
But Piccolo's power is most definitely due to the Nail fusion. There's no debating that at all. Without the Nail fusion he's weaker then 1st from Freeza, with the fusion he's superior to 2nd form Freeza and has a power level around 1 million. There's not question that the Nail fusion did wonders for his power. And when I mention training with Goku I mean the 3 years before the Cyborgs, not the 7 years after Cell's defeat.
I'm trying to say that if the fusion with nail is what made him increase so much during those 3 years, tell me why he couldn't keep up with goku and vegeta after a fusion with kami and 7 years of training.
Plus,Gohan who has more potential than Piccolo and trained with Piccolo and ssj Goku was miles away from Piccolo.
Actually Piccolo says that Gohan Krillin and Tenshinhan belong to the same branch of power,ie,several millions.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Which further backs up my stance that once you get used to one method it no longer becomes benificial (Ten's weighted clothing) and that it takes extreme training conditions to give these massive leaps of power. Something Ten didn't have.
Actually is the opposite,cos piccolo used his weighted clothing during those 3 years and you don't know how much
weight had that outfit.
Ten had his extreme training conditions created by himself with everything he learned in the past?
Piccolo didn't have your "special conditions" either and he increased at least 100 milions.
Again gravity is not reliable to prove nothing.
So it makes sense that apart from Vegeta all of them had their personal intensive
In piccolo's case gravity wasn't an issue to improve.
Simply Toriyama didn't care about those details.
You got clapped down again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hailthe king. Kneel down and kiss the wilson pro staff!!!!!!
MFG dumb old theory:
Because they received both new and more intense training during this part of the story
Answer:WOW you are definitely naturally retarded!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah,they received intense training by themselves provided by everything they have learned in the past,in Tenshinhan's case Namek training system and Kaio's training system the best in the Universe.
There isn't anybody else to provide extra teachings like in the preparation for the 23 BT where Ten managed to surpass Piccolo daimaoh, former main villain at the time training by himself.
Goku trained alone too for the 22º BT.
The only guy who used high gravity was vegeta so you can't exclude all the others.
MFG dumb old theory:
Because they hadn't taken advantage of their genetic gifts, the Zenkai's and the fusions, and they didn't use the extreme gravity training yet. Before the Saiyan arc weighted clothing was the ultimate thing in personal training. Once the alien races started taking advantage of their gifts they destroyed the humans and that is my point. You can't sit there and look at Goku or Piccolo's increases and say that Ten probably made the same advancements.
Piccolo didn't use extreme gravity training ever.
What destroyed the humans was ssj transformation and piccolo fusion with kami.
That's why Ten didn't accept to train in the rosat(room of spirit and time),but he accepted to train for the android saga and obviously he was confident that he could be useful.
What same advancements?
I'm saying that if piccolo improved 100 millions without fusions or gravity why Ten couldn't improve 20 millions?
MFG dumb old theory:
Without Nail or Kami he probably would be hard pressed to do so. After all, as you pointed out, Piccolo and the Humans were rather close before he started took advantage of the Namek Fusion.
I see it this way,if there isn't a fusion with nail and let's say piccolo has 150 millions after those 3 years.
You just take from him 1 million,the power level he gained from the fusion with nail.
there you go piccolo without nail would have 149 millions.
Finally, daizenshuu states that Shin Kikoho is a stronger version from the previous Kikoko and in the manga it isn't stated that he used life force,so if you add this
to the statement about goku saying that he needed to reach a pl of 3 millions to use kaioken x10 to avoid self destruction, goku's body could explode.
I cannot see how Tien's body (Ten uses an attack stronger than kaio ken x20) could sustain such a massive attack without explode himself to pieces considering that goku's body could explode with a weaker boost increase.
Plus,You don't know how shin kikoho works,both are dangerous, both can kill you and daizenshuu clearly suggests that both follow similar principles if you think about ten's statements in kaio's planet about mixing kaio's teachings with his techniques everything is solved.
Plus, Tenshinhan knows how much ki goku needed to use kaiokenx10 and he was not impressed.
Basically, it makes all the sense that if you need 3 millions to use an attack who improves your power level 10
times,shin kikoho who improves a lot more than 20 would force you to have a pl above that.
Nail on Piccolo after 6 days on king kai:
"You have an astonishing amount of power" and Piccolo basically agreed.
This puts Piccolo above Nail after 6 days on king kais if you ask me. This all also happened after Nail sensed the power of Captain Ginyu.
Now lets consider that Ten was on King kai 260 days,254 days more then Piccolo,that makes his Pl after king kai rather VERY high.
Considering piccolo progression during those 3 years and the fast pace everyone increased in dbz like in the sayan saga or just the fact that 158 days on Kaiô-sama's planet=several thousand years of training on Earth it is possible that piccolo surpassed nail.
Remember if there isn't a quote saying that Piccolo fought like a ssj against c-20 everyone would say that piccolo had a pl around 12.000.000 using real world logic.
Dbz logic is quite different.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Gravity isn't the only way but it helps immensely. Any and all increases that put the characters at these absurd power levels were either due to absurd training situations (Kami's weighted clothing, 10x gravity, 100x Gravity, 300x Gravity, Room of Spirit and Time, the After-life) or were due to the character taking advantage of unique genetic gifts. (Namekian Fusion, Zenkai's, SSJ forms)
Not again dumbass!!!!!!!
Actually my point is crucial and clearly proves that Toriyama wasn't thinking about gravity as the only way to improve
or else toriyama wouldn't make the 40 ton mistake .
Worse,vegeta was training in 150 after mastering 300 in those 7 years.
You also ignore the fact that Goten or Future Trunks who didn't train under gravity 10 100 or 300 managed to reach ssj level in the Earth as you can see gravity isn't an issue for a big boost in Toriyama's mind or in what is presented in the manga.
Future Trunks also is fighting in ssj form against base gohan and he never trained on gravity and base gohan in his base form is playing with him.
I can't see nothing absurd about a z-warrior or an heroe in the story reaching a pl in the millions,it is just a number.
There isn't nothing that suggests something like hello,if you want to cross the 1 million mark please show us your zenkai,assimilation or gravity 100.
You seem like those early idiots from MFG who believed that a ssj had 15 millions.
Basically you are saying that piccolo invited Tenshinhan to train in the rosat,because he is a nice guy.
No,Piccolo is a genius and he is not the favour guy type.
He invited him,because Tenshinhan had a pl in the millions,later in buu's saga majinbuu
with Piccolo's brains calls him pretty strong and considering that he had z- warriors as a reference he learly was in the millions and
no,he wasn't thinking in the humans with 5 or 10 units,cos he had piccolo's knowledge.
Goku wanted to make a fusion with
Ten,that doesn't make any sense if the guy is out of millions. He would lose power.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Gravity was one of the reasons Goku increased his power from 400 to 8,000. Gravity was the sole reason Goku increased his power to 90,000. Gravity is the primary reason Vegeta surpassed Goku in the 3 years before the Cyborgs. Gravity is half the reason the Room of Spirit and Time is so good. Gravity is the reason Vegeta gained SSJ2 during the 7 years of peace. High Gravity training has been clearly shown to aid immensely.
Do you enjoy being made to look stupid???
We saw those effects on piccolo when in the earth he improved more than 100 millions or when goku trained 1 month in the rosat(room of spirit and time) during his preparation for the 23ºBT.Gravity on rosat was around 50.
What happened???lol
You just got your dumb theory destroyed, logically gravity wasn't an issue,plus vegeta was training in 150 after mastering 300 in those 7 years.
Vegeta is the only one using gravity,because he is the only character at the time who can surpass goku.
You got obliterated put back together so I could obliterate you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dumb MFG old theory:
Goku didn't do much better during the 3 years he traveled the world between 21st and 22nd tournament. And Vegeta, taking advantage of training in high Gravity, increased his power level by the millions. Which method seems better to you.
OMFG you are lost in your retardation!!!!!!
Goku improved a lot by dragon ball standards.
In dbz parameters changed,they are not fighting anymore against humans.
They are fighting against aliens and against enemies where formers levels and rate increase became irrelevant.All of them need to improve a lot more to stay in the story.
You confuse dragon ball increases with dbz increases,
things changed in dbz,that is the reason why the humans improved in a few months from 250 to near 2000 in the Earth.
They are capable to improve by themselves in the earth.
I'm sure that if there isn't nappa's statement saying that saibamen had a pl around 1200,you would say that the saibamen were weak and that there is no way the humans could improve so much in a few months.
Plus,these guys are not regular humans,a normal human can make the feats presented in the world tournaments by the z-heroes.
Dumb MFG old theory:
So Goku going from 8k to 90k had absolutly no effect on the humans being left in the dust. Vegeta going from less then 3 million to being able to dent #19's face had no effect on the Humans being outclassed?
How is that if piccolo in just 6 days managed to surpass nail,all of them trained together there is no reason to believe that the humans didn't get an huge increase there like in the sayajin saga.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Your entire argument is assuming Piccolo got into the 100 millions. There's nothing to back that up. We don't even know if #19 and Gero were stronger the Freeza and odds are they aren't.
OMFG it is a fact that A-20 and A-19 were the original main androids,but Toriyama's editor asked for a new ones and Toriyama made A-17 and A-18,so the odds say that they were stronger than Freeza 100%.
And no,i already explained you the issues with gravity and the general progresses everyone did training for the sayajins.
Yes,krillin's statement proves that piccolo was in a ssj level.
If you choose to ignore it,because disproves your theory that is another story.
Piccolo going from over 1,000,000 to the Super Saiyan-tier (100,000,000+?) in three years or Tenshinhan and the gang doing better at Kami's half of the time without weights in a year than Goku did in 8 years of supreme namek training system. It shows that you gain power faster, the higher you get.This is what happens in dbz with everyone who belongs to the z-group.
Even, if they are weaker than freeza 100%,obviously, Android 20 was that strong, then it means 19 is even weaker(stated in the daizenshuu). SSJ Goku would've wasted 19 in a matter of seconds, seriously. He was being slowed down, but he was still powerful. No one that weak would be strong enough to be slapped around that much.
Goku was kickin the shit out of 19 before he absorbed anything. Even Piccolo said Goku was rushing the battle.
Goku was out of breath when they arrived, but when he transformed into SSJ, Tien was amazed, so we know he's still powerful. It was stated Goku's energy dropped when he fired that beam.
Tell me, why did Tien, expert in martial arts, self train if partner training is 10x better? The answer: It's not.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Fusing with Tien>Fusing with Hercule or Dende
It is a shame that tenshinhan was the only guy presented by goku as the only valuable option.
Dumb MFG old theory:
Uh, yes. Piccolo respects Ten as a fighter and was willing to give him a chance in the Room of Spirit and Time. Ask yourself this: If Ten wasn't standing right next to them do you really think Piccolo would have flown down to wherever Ten was and made the same offer? Of course not.
This is not our world or a real life moment,this is a cartoon, Toriyama puts Tenshinhan there,he had the power to take him out or even not use piccolo to make that suggestion or even not make that suggestion at all.
Get over it dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!
Dumb MFG old theory:
No, but he does show respect and Kami is the kind of guy that is generous and give favors.
OMFG how can you keep making these dumb biased statements????lol
You fail, kami is gone, piccolo’s personality is in charge now,and he is not going to make kind suggestions.
Owned again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dumb MFG old theory
Re-read the part. Goku brought Ten up as possible replacement after Gohan got absorbed. He also brought up Dende; Is he now in the hundreds of millions too?
Again fucking with mindless shit imbecile??lol
You are the one who needs to re-read that part, he made objections to dende and mister satan,the only guy regarded as valuable in that situation it was tenshinhan.
You love to be taken apart about the same subject over an over again.
If you look at dragon ball as a whole the trigger who takes an heroe to an astonishing improvement is a big battle.
The enemies changed in dbz and logically all of them will make big leaps. But they can't compete with a ssj,that is different.
I'm saying that ten had several millions by the reasons expressed above including manga and daizenhuu quotes.
Dumb MFG old theory
Differnciating the two is silly.The characters were weak in Dragon Ball and got stronger when, surprise surprise, they began training in 10x gravity, an extreme condition. My point is continually backed up.
OMFG you look like a broken record you fucking dumbass!!!!!!!!
When someone destroys your pathetic assumptions,let's take them out of context to look smart,lol
2way thugging at it's finest!!!!!!!!!!
Actually,it is the only way to understand the story,surprise surprise,goku trained on room of spirit and time in db and he got almost nothing.I guess rosat(room of spirit and time) didn't have extreme conditions there.looooooooool
Your point is continually disproved,those idiots on MFG brainwashed
After getting bludgeoned for the umpteenth time,you should take your ass whooping like a man and comeback to your beloved circle of friends with your dumb interpretation of dbz!!!!!!
Dumb MFG old theory
Yes, but not to the extent Goku or Piccolo did on Namek.
Finally, you are opening your thick
Not to the extent of a ssj Get it?
Dumb MFG old theory
Yes, it has nothing to do with them training with Kami and getting weighted clothing for the first time. EVERYTHING in a story is dictated by plot, but that doesn't mean the story doesn't also add reason along with it. Of course they got stronger because it was dictated by the plot, but the reasoning presented alongside is that Kami's training and weighted clothing allowed that increase. We are debating in-universe reasoning; not that the plot dictates increases
Now,you want to use the plot as an excuse???
Plot for sayajins??Fuck, all of them got destroyed by Nappa,there is no reason for a plot device here fucking idiot.
So, there is a plot to increase against the sayajins,but there isn't a plot to increase against the cyborgs.
Half of the time they trained by themselves without weights.Owned pretty bad Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The only plot is that everytime the z-senshi train for a big battle their pl's increase a lot.
That training show us that everyone starts to improve faster than ever.
why?Because, the enemies got stronger,db ridiculous small increases are not a reference anymore,so with the new powerful enemies,new big improvements.
You need sleep. Rest and recuperate, you've been taken apart....again. You should be used to it by
Dumb MFG member
They had different training. Goku was trained by Mr. Popo to control his chi. The Humans were trained by Kami himself to combat the Saiyans. Their training was too different to draw comparisons to.
No, it wasn't, popo knowledge came from kami and goku applied
those teachings during 8 years,in both scenarios they trained to survive and beat powerful foes and save the earth and half of the time tenshin and the gang trained by themselves.Actually the manga shows Tenshin training by himself there.
Krillin against popo,etc.
Owned again fuck damn it!!!!!
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
obliterated!!!!!!! Smashed to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!
MFG getting torn a new one!!!!!!!!!
If it bothers you I suggest you get over it, cry me a river build a bridge and get over it!!!!!!!!!
This is what i call a devastating destruction!!!!!
MFG crazy biased members have been destructed DIRECT QUOTES. Full of lies, contradictions, backsliding and 2way thugging for everyone to see!!!!!! Don't cry now
you got clapped down again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hail the king. Kneel down and kiss the dbz pro staff!!!!!!
MFG member:
Thank you master,finally i understand the truth and how dbz logic works.
Some of those suckers fucked me up on MFG and i almost became a cronic dumbass.
Now,i'm free and thanks to you i can understand everything very well.
Thank you great DBZ master!!!!
No problem,some of those bastards are dumb as fuck,but there are a lot of persons who can teach you the truth.
Do you intend to comeback there?
MFG member:
No master,because some of them even call daizenshuu staff a bunch of geeks and don't call me MFG member anymore ok,because,now i'm a former member.
Those stupid fanboys never learn,they are the
And you are right,now you are a dbz fan free from old MFG retarded baseless conclusions.
Former MFG member:
Well done master!
Just to let you know,in the end of every thread about Tenshinhan, a dumbass asks every single fucking time how could Tenshinhan reach the
Someone there explains,but he just keeps repeating the same old retarded bullshit"...
they are humans and they never made special training..."
Answer:I know,above you already know the answer to these questions,so just forget it,it is pointless discuss with some brainless fanboys who behave like fundamentalist
Manga this,manga,yeah the manga has some inconsistencies and thanks to the daizenshuu we can understand better dbz story.
Really,does anyone know what part of the brain needs to be removed to think that Tenshinhan doesn't have a power level in the millions?lol