Plus,Daizenshuu 7 with official numbers also state this fact and several quotes in the manga also sustain the fact that Tenshinhan was a lot stronger than Krillin,however,some krillin fanboys biased dumbasses decided to entertain us with some retarded funny comments.
Enjoy!!!Let the destruction begin!!!!!looooool
Krillin dumb biased fanboy:Krillin could actually dodge Nappa.
Answer:Wrong fucking dumbass!!!!!
When that happened Nappa wasn't powered up dumbass and he was a little out of balance.
Instead when Nappa attacked Tenshinhan he was giving his full power.
Do you remember what happened between Nappa and goku?
I bet you do,but a fucking biased dumbass like you just ignores it to make a dumb theory or case.
When Nappa wasn't powered up goku played with him,however when he powered up exactly like against Tenshinhan,he managed to trade a little with goku,he even surprised goku FUCKING DUMBASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Plus, the few times krillin hits Nappa he just caught Nappa off guard and Nappa was hardly even taking the fight seriously at that point.
Nappa specifically charged Tenshinhan fresh after powering up and Nappa was toying with Gohan and Kuririn,then krillin took advantage of Nappa's lack of attention.
Again you have been taken apart!!!!!
obliterated!!!!!!! Smashed to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!
Krillin dumb biased fanboy:he killed 4 of them with a single attack(or was it three). Anyhow, he did 10x the job Tienshinhan did.
Answer:OMFG Are you fucking retarded????????lool
Krillin's fantastic ki attack landed on Nappa and guess what fucking dumbass nothing happened,nothing!!!!!!!!!!Nappa's armor was clean like a mirror.
However,Tenshinhan's weakened kikoho shattered nappa's armor fucking dumbass!!!!lool
You have been destructed AGAIN!!!!!Smashed to pieces!!!!!!!!!!!
That's why you get bitchslapped and taken apart on the regular dumbass!!!!
Krillin dumb biased fanboy:Tienshinhan had probably enough power to do that, but he definitely lacked the proper Ki control.
Answer:It is Tenshinhan dumbass not Tien!!!!!!
OMFG Are you fucking retarded or just genetically stupid?????????????????
Tenshinhan was the one during dragon ball early days in the 22 world tournament who could control kikoho,a dangerous technique who can kill you if you don't have enough ki control.
That retarded made up myth that krillin has superior ki control than Tenshinhan is just retarded bullshit who goes against all the facts presented in the manga!!!!!
Krillin is the one who hasn't the proper ki control to compete with Tenshinhan.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it DUMBASS!!!!
Krillin dumb biased fanboy:Tien was out of breath fighting one Cultivar, so there's no reason to assume he can emulate what Krillin do.
Answer:That's it!!!!!!!!!!!OMFG apart from naturally retarded are you fucking BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you enjoy being made to look stupid???lol
Here are the images from the fucking original manga:

Now,we know that you are retarded,we know that you are stupid as shit,we even know that 99,9%
of your brain is composed by shit.
However,we never suspected that apart from all that shit,your brain shit made you blind,definitely your brain shit passed through your eyes making you
Do you see anyone panting in the original manga dumbass??????
No!!! You see in the anime Tenshinhan exhaling air and exhaling air isn't the same as being out of breath you fucking retard.
You just got owned pretty bad on this one.looool
Now the fucking facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tenshinhan got his arm knocked off in a direct confrontation when Nappa powered up to his maximum power, Tenshinhan stood back up, and still had enough Chi left to do a Ki-ko-hou.
Kuririn got two cheap shots that connected off, got him once while he was distracted, and was later knocked out of the fight by a Chi blast that didn't even hit him.Afer that Krillin couldn't even move like a
Kuririn got defeated by an attack that didn't even hit him. Tenshinhan stood back up after 2 attacks that did hit him and he was ready to fight.
Kuririn only hits Nappa because they were either cheap shots or he was distracted, when Nappa actually got seriously annoyed and attacked him, he was thrown out of the fray like a fucking maggot, by an attack that didn't even hit him.
yeah Krillin is a pussy and a lot weaker than Tenshinhan!!!!loool
Krillin pissed on his pants when Tenshinhan and Piccolo fought against the cyborgs.
Krillin is in fact a pussy.
Tenshinhan took 2 direct attacks from Nappa, and got back up on his feet, that's something not even Piccolo did easily.
The fact that he charged Tenshinhan in a powered up state and hit him with enough force that he ripped Ten's arm off is proof enough.
Tenshinhan took more damage than Kuririn and got back up on his feet. Getting your arm broken off, and slammed into the ground and surviving getting up is more than prove enough.
Plus, Nappa hadn't even touched Kuririn until the three-hour break had concluded .
In fact, Kuririn wasn't even hit when he went down, it was the aftershock of an explosion that took him
Tenshinhan had his arm ripped off and Nappa also slammed him into the ground with a kick and Tenshinhan still survived and he got up ready to fight.
Even Nappa was surprised saying that Tenshinhan was tough.
Kuririn wasn't even touched until shockwaves took him out. Not the actual blast, but the shockwaves. Not comparable, retard. Kuririn looked weaker against Nappa when Nappa was serious than Tenshinhan did. That's a fact!!!!!!You got obliterated again,now put back together so I could obliterate you again!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Krillin dumb biased fanboy:Nappa took the full power of Tienshinhan head on and dodged the Kienzan because it would have seriously injured him or killed him.
Krillin>Everyone else
Answer:Again with this shit?Its Tenshinhan,not Tien!
Whattttttttttttttt?And the nominees for THE I GOT BITCH SLAPPED THE HARDEST FOR Retarded statements are krillin fanboys
Please,leave the drugs king of dumbasses!!!!
By that logic,Tenshinhan who holds Cell did better than Piccolo,A-16 or super sayajins.
You are a fucking joke and your level of retardation is irreversible.
Tenshinhan improves a lot faster than krillin,they trained together to the 23 world tournament and Tenshinhan became a lot stronger than krillin.
By official numbers in the 23 world tournament Cyborg Tao had 210 and Kami 220.
We know what happened to Cyborg Tao,Tenshinhan owned him easily with a single shot.
Five years later krillin had 206.looooooooool
Again Tenshinhan was more powerful before the training with kami that means he is logically going to be more powerful after it which is an official FACT.
Also, Kuririn stated Nappa would go after one of the strongest, which was between Tenshinhan or Piccolo, according to him.
This is what i call a brutal destruction!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You got clapped down again!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hail the king!!!!
Do you enjoy being made to look stupid???
Come again retards and i will take you down like maggots!!!
After getting bludgeoned for the umpteenth time this is all you have????? You need sleep. Rest and recuperate, you've been taken apart....again. You should be used to it by now.Owned !!!!!